


gertrudes altschul

Cataloguing and organization of the artist’s collection

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MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY 1940–1960 [fotografia moderna 1940–1960]

With works by Geraldo de Barros, Gertrudes Altschul, Thomaz Farkas, Ademar Manarini, Paulo Pires, Marcel Giró, Gaspar Gasparian, Eduardo Salvatore, and Mario Fiori
[Luciana Brito Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil]




Curatorship of vintage photographs at Galeria da Gávea’s booth
[São Paulo, Brazil]



POWER AND SUFFOCATION [Poder e Sufocamento]

Curatorship of Fundação Marcos Amaro’s collection, with works by Armando Prado, Bruno Veiga, Cássio Vasconcellos, Claudio Edinger, Carlos Vergara, Coletivo Garapa, Iatã Cannabrava, João Farkas, Julio Bittencourt, Nelson Kon, Luiz Garrido, Marcel Gautherot, Marlene Bergamo, Pedro David, and Tuca Vieira
[MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil]

Sharylaine and Isabel Amado at Power and Suffocation exhibition, MIS-SP, 2017

Sharylaine and Isabel Amado at Power and Suffocation exhibition, MIS-SP, 2017


Curatorship of vintage photographs at Galeria da Gávea’s booth
[São Paulo, Brazil]


MoMA – museum of modern art, new york

Acknowledgment to the acquisition of 25 vintage photographs by Ademar Manarini, Marcel Giró and Gertrudes Altschul
[New York, USA]

TATE modern

Acknowledgment to the acquisition of 12 vintage photographs
[London, United Kingdom]

IV Latin American Photography Forum of São Paulo

Portfolio review
[São Paulo, Brazil]

Julio Bittencourt during the mounting of his exhibition Kamado, Galeria da Gávea, 2016

Julio Bittencourt during the mounting of his exhibition Kamado, Galeria da Gávea, 2016


Parallels and Diagonals [Paralelas e Diagonais]

With works by José Yalenti, Ademar Manarini, Gertrudes Altschul, Paulo Pires, Eduardo Salvatore, and George Radó
[SP-Arte/Foto/2016, São Paulo, Brazil]


Individual exhibition by Julio Bittencourt
[Galeria da Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

artrio 2016

Curatorship of vintage photographs at Galeria da Gávea’s booth
[Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Works in highlight at Galeria da Gávea’s booth, ArtRio, 2016

Works in highlight at Galeria da Gávea’s booth, ArtRio, 2016


10th Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Masp – museu de arte de são paulo

Viabilization of commodatum and coordination of cataloguing initial stage; selection of 297 modern photographs from Foto Cine Clube Bandeirantes’ collection
[São Paulo, Brazil]

III Latin American Photography Forum of São Paulo

Portfolio review
[São Paulo, Brazil]


A Modern Woman: Photographs by Gertrudes Altschul
[Uma Mulher Moderna: Fotografias de Gertrudes Altschul]

[Casa da Imagem, São Paulo, Brazil]


9th Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Work ready, and now? — the path to the art circuit

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]


Photography in the visual arts circuit

[Madalena CEI, São Paulo, Brazil]


Marcel Giró Moderno

[Galeria Bergamin, São Paulo, Brazil]

Paulo, José e Ademar, Três Modernos

With works by Paulo Pires, José Yalenti, and Ademar Manarini
[SP-Arte/Foto/2013, São Paulo, Brazil]


6th Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Photography in the art circuit

[Canela Photography Festival, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]

Foto em Pauta Photography Festival

Portfolio review
[Tiradentes, Minas Gerais, Brazil]

Isabel during workshop about collectionism, 2012

Isabel during workshop about collectionism, 2012



Individual exhibition by Julio Bittencourt
[Galeria Zoom, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]


5th Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Trecho 2.8” project and Galeria da Rua

Creation in partnership with Fundação Marcos Amaro
[São Paulo, Brazil]

Photography and the art market

[Fórum de Fotografia, Ceará, Brazil]

bob wolfenson [2001-2003 / 2004-2008 / 2011]

Cataloguing and organization of the artist’s collection



Individual exhibition by Julio Bittencourt
[Galeria da Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

The space we carry on us [O espaço que guardamos em nós]

Group show with Pedro David and Coletivo Garapa
[MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil]

Movimento Coletivo of “Trecho 2.8” project

Group show with Marilza Silva, Sebastião, Nicomedes, Carol Garcia, Marcello Matos, Marli Pereira Dias, Jak Andrade, Marcio Passos, Fernanda Matias, and Izael M. Leonel
[Galeria da Rua, São Paulo, Brazil]


5th Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

6th Paraty em Foco International Festival

Exhibitions’ coordination
[Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Photography Auction of Instituto Brasis

[São Paulo, Brazil]

Photography in the art market

Lecture promoted by Fototech
[Escolar Guignard, Minas Gerais, Brazil]

Paulo vainer

Cataloguing and organization of the artist’s collection


Antonio, Luiz e Bina

Group show with Antonio Augusto Fontes, Luiz Braga, and Bina Fonyat
[Galeria da Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]


Galeria da Gávea

Gallery foundation
[Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

3th Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

5th Paraty em Foco International Festival

Exhibitions’ coordination
[Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]


Convergence [Convergência]

Group show with Alexandre Sant’Anna, Ana Carolina Fernandes, Ana Stewart, Antonio Augusto Fontes, Antonio Guerreiro, Bina Fonyat, Bruno Veiga, Julio Bittencourt, Luiz Braga, Marcos Piffer, Marlene Bergamo, Murillo Meirelles, Paulo Jares, Renan Cepeda, Ricardo Azoury, Ricardo Fasanello, Rogério Reis, and Walter Carvalho
[Galeria da Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Aerial Bridge [Ponte Aérea]

Collective exhibition by Bruno Veiga and Julio Bittencourt at Galeria Bergamin & Gomide’s booth
[SP-Arte/Foto/2009, São Paulo, Brazil]


2th Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

1st Bolsa de Arte Photography Auction

Organization and selection of photographs
[Bolsa de Arte, São Paulo, Brazil] 

1st Bolsa de Arte Design and Photography Auction

Photography consultant
[Bolsa de Arte, São Paulo, Brazil] 

mauricio nahas [2006-2008]
andreas heiniger

Cataloguing and organization of the artists’ collections

Mounting of the 1st Bolsa de Arte Photography Auction

Mounting of the 1st Bolsa de Arte Photography Auction


2nd Photography Auction Paraty em Foco

[Paraty em Foco International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

Agência Almap BBDO [2001-2007]
Thompson Agency [2004-2007]

Cataloguing and organization of the archive and collections


embraer [2004-2006]

Cataloguing and organization of the archive and collection


Nellie Solitrenick [2003-2004]

Cataloguing and organization of the artist’s collection


Digital images database: the end of the mess

[1st Congresso Paulista de Foto e Imagem, São Paulo, Brazil]


rogério medeiros [2001-2002]
murillo meirelles
willy biondani
rogerio miranda

Cataloguing and organization of the artists’ collections


Claudia Jaguaribe
Cássio Vasconcellos

Cataloguing and organization of the artists’ collections


J.P. Morgan photography prize

[São Paulo, Brazil]

Galeria Métier

Gallery’s overture
[São Paulo, Brazil]


Essays and Confrontments [Ensaios e Confrontos]

Group show with Claudia Jaguaribe, Cris Bierrrenbach, Ed Viggiani, Eduardo Muylaert, Eustáquio Neves, Flávio Canalonga, Hermuche, Iatã Cannabrava, Marcelo Lerner, Marcio Rebelo, Paulo Fridman, Ricardo Teles, and Rômulo Fialdini
[Galeria Métier, São Paulo, Brazil]

portraits [Retratos]

Individual exhibition by Dadá Cardoso
[MorumbiFashion, São Paulo, Brazil]

Portraits: Dadá Cardoso [Retratos: Dadá Cardoso]

Exhibition’s coordination and production
[Galeria Pierre Verger, Bahia, Brazil]

Blindfolded [De Olhos Vendados]

Collective exhibition by photojournalists about Febem (São Paulo) rebellion, produced in partnership with the paper Notícias Populares’ editor, Fernando Costa Netto; exhibition of works by Carol Carqueijo, João Bittar, Aloisio Mauricio, and Fernando Costa Netto
[MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo]


1st Exhibition of the Annual Photographic Exhibition Program from CCSP

[CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo, Brazil]

Funarte Portfolios

Participation on selection commission
[Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

3rd Annual Photographic Exhibition Program from CCSP

Portfolio review
[CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo, Brazil]

8th Photographic Art Exhibition from BNDES

Participation on selection commission
[Espaço BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

[mis – museu da imagem e do som, são paulo]

Women and spells [Mulheres & Feitiços]

Individual exhibition by Lily Sverner

Screams on the Street – Perspectives from Brazilian Children
[Gritos da Rua – Perspectivas da Criança Brasileira]

Collective exhibition

Synchronicities [Sincronicidades]

Individual exhibition by Mariano Klautau Filho

Analogies and Contrasts [Analogias e Contrastes]

Individual exhibition by Domício Pinheiro

Geraldo de Barros: a tribute [Geraldo de Barros: uma homenagem]

Making of and Still

Playful Landscapes [Paisagens Lúdicas]

Individual exhibition by Eduardo Villares


mis – Museu da Imagem e do Som

Coordination of the Department of Photography
[São Paulo, Brazil]

The Essay on Photography

[1st Ribeirão Preto Photography Week, São Paulo, Brazil]


Toys [Brinquedos]

Individual exhibition by Roberto Stelzer
[Espaço Mirante – Mônica Filgueiras, São Paulo, Brazil]

Brazilians’ Brazil [O Brasil dos brasileiros]

[Centro de Difusion y Estudios de la Fotografia, Santiago, Chile]

At the frontier of the senses [Na fronteira dos sentidos]

Collective exhibition on the 2nd International Month of Photography Nafoto, presenting works by Bettina, Musatti, Cláudia Jaguaribe, Denise Adams, Elza Lima, Gilda Mattar, Lilian Kawakami, Bettina, Lila Schwair, Luciana Napchan, Lucila Wroblewski, Marlene Bergamo, Mônica Vendramini, Roberta Dabdab, and Sandra Bordin
[CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo, Brazil]

The Chrysalis [As Crisálidas]

Individual exhibition by Madalena Schwartz
[MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil]


Anima Montagem

Foundation of the company, specialized in cataloguing, organization on archives and collections
[São Paulo, Brazil]

V Colóquio Latinoamericano de Fotografía

Presentation about Galeria Fotoptica’s collection
[Mexico City, Mexico]


Olympics – Brazilian Athletes [Olímpiadas – Atletas brasileiros]

Individual exhibition by Claudia Jaguaribe
[Sesc Pompeia, São Paulo, Brazil]

The symbolic and the diabolic [O simbólico e o diabólico]

Collective exhibition by Marlene Bergamo and Penna Prearo
[PUC-SP – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil]


Individual exhibition by Claudio Edinger
[MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil]

[galeria fotoptica, são paulo]

Nudes [Nus]

Individual exhibition by Roberto Schmitt-Pryn

Marie Claire – A Look at the World
[Marie Claire – Um Olhar Para O Mundo]

Group show

A Dive in Abrolhos [Um Mergulho Em Abrolhos]

Collective exhibition by Gilberto Amado and Joel Creed

Still Life

Individual exhibition by Rogério Abbamonte

Sons of Light [Filhos da Luz]

Individual exhibition by Rogério Randolph


Individual exhibition by Roberta Dabdab

Brand new IV [Novíssimos IV]

Group show with Arthur Maroja, Birger Lipinski, Célia Freitas, Geraldo Valério, Márcio Xavier, Marcos Roberto, Paulo Costa, Richard Calhabeu, Rosana Paulino, and Vicente de Mello



Videobrasil Retrospective

[Sesc Pompeia, São Paulo, Brazil]

[Galeria Fotoptica, são paulo]

Rolling Stones On Show

Group show with Adi Leite, Adriana Zehbraukas, Carlos Goldgrub, Cesar Itiberê, Hélcio Toth, João Primo, Jorge Rosemberg, Marcia Zoet, Marcelo Soubhia, Marcos Issa, Marcos Rosa, Marlene Bergamo, Massao Goto Filho, Monica Zarattini, Otavio Dias de Oliveira, and Paulo Giandalia

Old Havana – Cuban portraits [Havana Velha – retratos cubanos]

Individual exhibition by Claudio Edinger

Amazônia — Traveller Photographer [Amazônia – Fotógrafo Viajante]

Individual exhibition by A. C. d’Ávila


Individual exhibition by Juvenal Pereira


Individual exhibition by Marcelo Arruda

Brand new III [Novíssimos III]

Group show

The Year’s Faces [As Caras do Ano]

Group show


[Galeria Fotoptica, são paulo]


Individual exhibition by Celso Brandão

Impressões em Platina

Individual exhibition by Marcelo Lerner

Angola, a Forgotten Tragedy [Angola, Uma Tragédia Esquecida]

Individual exhibition by André Penner

Taxidermy [Taxidermia]

Individual exhibition by Gal Oppido

Urban Trails [Trilhos Urbanos]

Individual exhibition by Juca Martins

Brand new II [Novíssimos II]

Group show

The Faces of the Year [As Caras do Ano]

Group show

A Female Gaze from the 40s [Um Olhar Feminino dos Anos 40]

Individual exhibition by Hildegard Rosenthal

Isabel Amado and Manuel Amado Pereira at Galeria Fotoptica, 1994

Isabel Amado and Manuel Amado Pereira at Galeria Fotoptica, 1994


FAC – Fundação Assisense de Cultura

Photography exhibition mounting and Curatorship workshop
[São Paulo, Brazil]

Juvenal Pereira and Isabel Amado, 1993 (photo by Iatã Cannabrava)

Juvenal Pereira and Isabel Amado, 1993 (photo by Iatã Cannabrava)


Portraits [Retratos]

Individual exhibition by Bia Parreira
[Galeria José Duarte de Aguiar, São Paulo, Brazil]

Retrospective 1993 of the Newspaper Folha de São Paulo

[Shopping West Plaza, São Paulo, Brazil]

Graciela Iturbide and Isabel Amado at the exhibition En el nombre del padre, Galeria Fotoptica, 1993

Graciela Iturbide and Isabel Amado at the exhibition En el nombre del padre, Galeria Fotoptica, 1993

[Galeria Fotoptica, são paulo]

Cities [Cidades]

Individual exhibition by Claudia Jaguaribe

Dusk [Penumbra]

Individual exhibition by Paulo Vainer

En El Nombre Del Padre

Individual exhibition by Graciela Iturbide

A Olho Nu

Individual exhibition by Paulo Leite

Photographs [Fotografias]

Individual exhibition by Christian Cravo

Brand New I [Novíssimos I]

Group show

Photography In Decoration II [a fotografia na decoração II]

Group show with Joelle Nasser, Miguel Palladino, Aurelio Martinez, Lia Strauss, and Marcia Mikai

postcards release [Lançamento de Postais]

Individual exhibition by Emidio Luisi

Reunion at Casa Fuji, published at IrisFoto magazine, may 1993: Nair Benedicto, Rubens Fernandes Junior, Juvenal Pereira, Eduardo Castanho, Fausto Chermont, Rosely Nakagawa, and Bel Amado (photo by Márcio Scavone)

Reunion at Casa Fuji, published at IrisFoto magazine, may 1993: Nair Benedicto, Rubens Fernandes Junior, Juvenal Pereira, Eduardo Castanho, Fausto Chermont, Rosely Nakagawa, and Bel Amado (photo by Márcio Scavone)


Concept and mounting

[Oficina Cultural do Tatuapé, São Paulo, Brazil]


Retrospective of the Newspaper O Estado de São Paulo

[MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo, Brazil]

[Galeria Fotoptica, são paulo]

O Rock Que Rola

Group show with Eder Chiodetto, Egberto Nogueira, Gustavo Enrique, Jorge Rosenberg, Juvenal Pereira, Kiko Coelho, Luiz Paulo Lima, Márcia, Zoet, Mario Fontes, Mila Maluhy, Norma Albano, Pisco Del Gaiso, Roberto Faustino, Rui Mendes, Sergio Amaral, Sergio Andrade, and Toni Pires

Assim É Se Lhe Parece

Individual exhibition by Antonio Augusto Fontes

Masks from bahia [Máscaras da Bahia]

Individual exhibition by Aristides Alves

Travel to Dalai Lama’s Land [Viagem a Terra do Dalai Lama]

Individual exhibition by Claudia Proushan

Photographs [Fotografias]

Individual exhibition by Cândido Mendes de Almeida

Best of the 80s [Melhores da Década de 80]

Group show


Individual exhibition by Luiz Simões

Photographic Identity [Identidade Fotográfica]

Group show with Rose Miasaki, Marcos Santos, Camila Mesquita, Alexandre Catan, Paulo Vitale, Karlis Smith, and Daniel Shionozaki

Marriage [Casamento]

Individual exhibition by Camila Butcher

Photography In Decoration [a fotografia na decoração]

Group show with João Armentano, Sig Bergamin, João Mansur, Guto Lacaz, Fátima Leão, and Clarissa Setubal


Photography Events Coordinators National Meeting

[Instituto Brasileiro de Arte e Cultura – IBAC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]

[Galeria Fotoptica, são paulo]

Adeus (a) Fotografia

Group show with Claudio Feijó, Mauro Romano, and Wladimir Fontes

Balances [Equilíbrios]

Individual exhibition by Eduardo Simões

Marriage portraits [retratos de casamento]

Individual exhibition by Jacqueline Joner

matando o tempo a golpe de luz

Individual exhibition by Ed Viggiani

Invisible women [mulheres invisíveis]

Individual exhibition by Pamela Duffy


IV and V Paulista Photography Weeks

Exhibitions coordination and production
[São Paulo, Brazil]

Curitiba Photography Week, 1990

Curitiba Photography Week, 1990

[Galeria Fotoptica, são paulo]

Ê Povo Ê

Individual exhibition by Holanda Cavalcanti

3 Mulheres e 1 Homem Fotografando Mulheres
[3 Women and 1 Man Photographing Women]

Group show with Anita Ana Gilioli, Denise Adams, and Marcio Langeani

Craziness’ Intimate Portrait [Retrato Íntimo da Loucura]

Individual exhibition by Claudio Edinger

Even grandpa felt voluptuousness [Até Vovô Sentia Volúpia]

Individual exhibition by Derli Barroso

black [Negro]

Collective exhibition by Carlos Landucci and Iatã Cannabrava

photographs [Fotografias]

Individual exhibition by Ana Quintella

North Coast [Litoral Norte]

Individual exhibition by Marcos Piffer

Lazy Desire [Vontade Vadia]

Group show


Individual exhibition by Claudio Elisabetsky


[Galeria Fotoptica, são paulo]

São Paulo: Fragments of an Urban Landscape
[São Paulo: Fragmentos de Uma Paisagem Urbana]

Collective exhibition by Lily Sverner and André Boccato

bahia people [Gente Bahia]

Individual exhibition by Luciano Andrade

Minhas Amigas do Peito

Individual exhibition by Bob Wolfenson

Adopt A Satellite [Adote Um Satélite]

Individual exhibition by Marcelo Masagão

From Trancoso to Espelho da Maravilha

Individual exhibition by João Farkas

Tibet Lama D´oro

Individual exhibition by Claudia Proushan

Vertigo of Images [Vertigem das Imagens]

Individual exhibition by Isabella Cabral

Stretched Images [Imagens Espichadas]

Individual exhibition by Sergio Duarte

The 40 Best Photographs From Galeria Fotoptica’s Collection

Group show with Pedro Martinelli, Cristiano Mascaro, Miguel Rio Branco, Cássio Vasconselos, Rubens Mano, Bettina Musatti, Kenji Ota, Mario Cravo Neto, and Sebastião Salgado

VideoBrasil and experimental tapes

With Alucinação, by Ricardo Nawenberg and Andréia Andróide; Sandra Kogut; Beijo na Boca, by Jacira Mello; Do outro lado da sua casa, by Marcelo Machado and Renato Barbieri; Duelo dos Deuses, by Pedro Vieira; Duvideo, by Clovisaidar and Renato Barbieri; Marly normal, by Marcelo Machado; Mentiras e humilhações, by Eder Santos; Nom Plus Ultra, by Tadeu Jungle; Pivete, by Geraldo Anhaia Melo and Lucila Meireles; TV Viva, by Eduardo Homen; Uakti; and Varela em Serra Pelada, by Marcelo Tas


Galeria Fotoptica

[São Paulo, Brazil]

Thomaz Farkas, Isabel Amado and Tom Jobim at Galeria Fotoptica, 1988

Thomaz Farkas, Isabel Amado and Tom Jobim at Galeria Fotoptica, 1988

[galeria fotoptica, são paulo]

Winter Garden [Jardim de Inverno]

Individual exhibition by Zélia Gattai

Antarctica [Antártida]

Individual exhibition by A. C. d'Ávila

photos [Fotos]

Collective exhibition by Bettina Musatti and Rubens Mano

Poetic Essay Tom and Ana [Ensaio Poético Tom e Ana]

Individual exhibition by Ana Lontra Jobim

Pioneer Photographers from the Interior of São Paulo
[Fotógrafos Pioneiros do Interior Paulista]

Group show with Ernesto Quissak, Francisco Brandão, Augusto Knudssen, and Família Parodi


Individual exhibition by José Agrippino de Paula


Magasine release in videotape

Raça Negra

Video release